
Nice to meet you ARTECHNIK



We live in a highly technological society, one too complicated to grasp as a whole. These technologies provide us with a convenient life, while also giving rise to catastrophe. Having experienced a nuclear disaster, we must once again consider these technologies lying within arm’s reach. In this regard, art can be of help. Art is a technique developed in the body, one honed by individuals within the various conditions of their daily lives. However, we tend to separate art from society, and have come to regard it as something special. Alternatively, we tend to use art as a means to affirm the status quo, as though it were a commodity or political policy. As such, we perhaps need to inspect not only modern technology, but also modern art. Only by this can a true “Arts of Existence” emerge in today’s modern society.

In this exhibition, five artists express the awe of nature and the unknown, the joy of fumbling around and the humor that exists in the hand’s skill through a consideration of art and technology. They try to convey to us the techniques and energies necessary to explore in this harsh world.


Nice to meet you Artechnik

Aono Fumiaki, Iiyama Yuki, Inoue Ami, Takamine Tadasu, Momma Miki

November 3 - December 24, 2017

Opening hours: 11:00 - 20:00

Venue: sendai mediatheque 6F Gallery 4200

Admission: 500 yen(Free for high school students and young children)


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